Netherlands-headquartered SevenAges impact investor that finances and develops senior living real estate, is today unveiling its new concept, a senior care guesthouse.

“Demand is really high. Throughout the Netherlands, we see that people need these kinds of solutions. We are trying to find and develop more locations as soon as possible. In the coming years, SevenAges Care Hotels will also be established in other places, both in Amsterdam and elsewhere in the country. We already have a number of locations in the pipeline.” Naboth van den Broek, one of the managing partners of SevenAges.
Tolstraat 75, Amsterdam’s first SevenAges Senior Care Guesthouse, is described as a new and innovative place for the elderly or others who need extra help and care on a temporary basis, from one night to a few weeks, “whether it’s the absence of a caregiver during vacation, the illness of the caregiver himself, a (small) renovation at home, recovery after a hospitalisation, or just to be able to take a break, alone or with a spouse or partner,” said general manager Sylvian Nijhuis.
The facility, located on Amsterdam’s Tolstraat, is designed as “a hotel with care, or a care facility that feels like a good and nice hotel”, and is the initiative of SevenAges along with Stichting Logeerhuizen Amsterdam, a non-profit foundation that aims to provide (temporary) guest care, SevenAges, Cordaan, the largest healthcare organisation in Amsterdam and the surrounding area, and the City of Amsterdam.”
Tolstraat 75 currently has about 20 rooms but will have 40 by the end of 2024. Other facilities include food and beverage services, adapted rooms, a gym and physiotherapy studio, care facilities if needed, and a lobby for the use of guests, family and friends, and the general public.
“Demand is really high,” says Naboth van den Broek, one of the managing partners of SevenAges. “Throughout the Netherlands, we see that people need these kinds of solutions. We are trying to find and develop more locations as soon as possible. In the coming years, SevenAges Care Hotels will also be established in other places, both in Amsterdam and elsewhere in the country. We already have a number of locations in the pipeline.”
Author: Paul Strohm
Source: Real Asset Insight